Flavio Alejandro Bisciotti & FAB-gallery presents:
Objects From The Ashes
and the documentary PALIMPSEST-VENICE,
a film By Felipe Martinez Carbonell
This is a solo exhibition of Flavio Bisciotti and a continuation of the highly successful exhibit Palimpsest. FAB-gallery 2001 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90405.
The opening reception will be open to the public Thursday, June 8th, 2017, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Exhibition dates: June 8th through September 3rd. Gallery viewing hours by appointment.
Palimpsest emerged from the devastating fire that took place in Flavio’s home studio, early the morning of January 5, 2016. While looking over the charred remains of his studio, Flavio had an epiphany. Spurred by a desire to breathe new life into the remains of things that had meant so much to him, he decided to invite artists to take anything from his studio that they were drawn to and recycle, reuse, and reinvent to produce new artworks. Flavio decided to turned destruction into a community outreach so as to fuel creativity. Over 32 artists, local and international, participated, bringing their creative spirit to Flavio’s artifacts. The artists took cameras, singed paintbrushes, bits of old wood, scorched clothes, and even Flavio’s burnt artworks and created new art that inhered the history of the old and told a new story of collaboration and creativity.
Flavio’s art is all about functionality. His inspiration comes from his training as an architect and designer. A true craftsman, Flavio brings together artfulness to all his objects. He blurs the line between sculpture, installation and functional objects such as tables, chairs, and even chandeliers. His furniture takes on sculptural quality. With Flavio’s creations the observer can live in and amongst the art, effectively inhabiting an installation. Flavio elevates the everyday object to the status of art.
In this particular series Flavio expands his creative boundaries. Rather than merely creating artful objects, he has reinvented himself by elevating his past into a new story. He has reexamined and found new functions for and a new beauty in his old works. One of the works on view is a glossy modern plexiglass chair that also incases the ashes of his former studio. These items can now rest interred while providing a place to sit and ponder. Another piece takes the form of a dining table in which broken China and cutlery are embedded, polished and partially hidden like fossils in a stone. This old history now hosts new guests and create new memories. Like geological or archeological layers of land, these artifacts within artifacts become the layers of a life.
**The exhibition will launch Flavio’s new web site flaviobisciotti.com and Palimpsest-Venice.com as well as displaying artwork from: Torquato De Nicola, Jennifer Verge, Alexandra Dillon Rohitash Rao, Tori White, Photoghaps by: Debbie Zeitman and Felipe Martinez Carbonell.
TribeLA magazine.com
September 3, 2017
By DEBORAH GRANGER & Janice Bremec Blum, Editor in Chief
Photographed by Francine Yang /
Huffington Post
A Life Changing Moment Re-Ignites a True Passion
08/28/2017 09:28 pm ET
by Henry K Long Writer, Artist, Musician